&HowToDeal_Schedule=Select one of these 3 options on the left side to set the schedule for automatic scanning procedures at a specific time (daily, weekly and monthly) according to your needs.&
&IgnoreListTitle=Spyware that will be Ignored in future scans &
&Ignore_D=Ignore List:you can remove any item from the ignore list by clicking on the remove button so it can be detected again in the future scans.&
&ClearAllAction=Clear All&
//--------------------------- Quarantined List
&QuarantinedTitle=Spyware that has been moved to a quarantined state to eliminate their threats&
&Quarantined_D=quarantined List:you can restore or remove any item from this list. restoring a threat will copy all its contents back to your system.&
&RemoverAllAction=Remove All&
//------------------------------------------------------------ Live Update
&LiveUpdateTitle=LIVE UPDATE&
&UpdateNow=Update Now&
&MUD_L= Manual Update&
&UAPS_L= Update at Program Start UP&
&TTLU_L= Time to Live Update:&
&am_LU_L= A.M.&
&pm_LU_L= P.M.&
//----------------------------------------------------------- TOOLS Form -----------------------------------------------
&BHOManager=BHO Manager&
&IEToolbarsManager=IE Toolbars Manager&
&StartupManager=Startup Manager&
&HostsFileManager=Hosts file manager &
&LSPmanager=LSP Manager&
&ToolsInstructions=Click the item to get the DETAILS&
&Remove_Item=Remove Item&
//------------------------------------------------------------ About Form ------------------------------------------
&AboutUs=BulletProofSoft.com is founded in the USA with offices in Europe and the Far East. We currently have over 450 employees. BulletProofSoft.com is one of the pioneers in PC protection, phishing and antispyware software. We distribute throughout the USA, Europe and the Far East.&
&PNow=The Full Ver.&
//---------------------------------------------------------- Trial Version Window --------------------------------
&ThreatsFound=Threat(s) Found&
&text1=Spyware if left lurking unattended&
&text2=could invade your privacy and&
&text3=corrupt your files&
&text4= BPS Spyware Remover will help keep you PC free from Spyware & Adware Infections&
//----------------------------------------------------- About Form ------------------------------------
&PurchaseNowButtonDescription=purchase now&
//------- BPS Website Link Description --------------------------------------------------
&VisitUsDes=visit us&
//------- BPS Website Link Description (onRollour)--------------------------------------------------
&onRollout=If you want to return to the scanning module press the (Start) button on the top tool bar&
//--------------------------------------------------- Status and summary form ------------------------------------------------------
//------------------- Register Button Description
&RegDes=Buy the full version&
//------------------- Scan Button Description
&ScanDes=Pressing the Scan Button takes you to the scanning types.&
//--------------------- Live Update Button Description
&LiveUpdateButtonDes=Checks, updates the program and program Spyware definitions.&
//-------------------- Reset Button Description
&ResetButtonDes=Clicking this button resets the status and summary information&
//-------------------- Manage Ignored List Description
&ManageIgnoredListDes=This button takes you to the manage lists in the settings section to modify the ignored list by removing any of its items.&
//--------------------- Manage Quarantined List Description
&ManageQuarantinedListDes=This button takes you to the manage lists in the settings section to modify the Quarantined list by removing or restoring any of its items.&
//---------------------- Manage Infected List Description
&ManageInfectedListDes=This button takes you to the last scanning results which allows you to modify them by (remove, quarantine, ignore and ignore once) any threat items.&
&QS_Description=Concentrates on smart specific target areas of your system, using an intelligent fast algorithm.&
&DS_Description=Does an extended scan on your entire system.&
&CS_Description=Is a very versatile scan that caters to your choice of scanning.&
//--------------------------------------------------- sys.shields Form -------------------------------------------
&SysShield1=Protect the user from malicious Spyware take over attacks and guards the user even before it infects his system. &
&SysShield2=Spyware Active Memory Process option: When any Spyware Executable file tries to run in the memory this shield will prevent it from running.&
6=Please, Make sure that you have created a backup from the current tool first, Continue?
8=The current tool values have been backuped.
10=All the current tool values will be overwritten with the saved values, Continue?
12=There is no infected list saved.
13=Infected list is not exist
14=Another instance is already running and has been activated
15=There is spyware or more running in your Memory. You should perform a deep scan, Scan Now?
16=-BPS Spyware Remover Spyware Detected.
17=The currently loaded DB is 2 weaks old, Do you want to run live update?
18=Old Database.
19=The definition file is missing, Please re-install the program
20=BPS Spyware Remover.
23=Do You Really Want to quit or just
24=to system tray to protect your system against spyware?
25=Really Quit?
28=Are You sure you want to abort scanning?
29=Confirm Abort.
30=All detected threats have been ignored before.
31=Some detected threats have been ignored before.
32=Ignored Threats Detected
33=-Some items will be removed after rebooting, Please reboot your system as soon as possible
34=Need Reboot
35=Actions have been applied successfully.
36=Unable to delete a spyware item.
37=This option Will tremendously increase the scanning time.
39=Saved, Some shields may not work until restarting the program.
40=Error occured while manipulating a flash command[
41=The following change has been allowed:
42=Monitoring Alert
43=The following change has been blocked:
44=The following change needs your approval:
47=A spy Memory Process is trying to run, Block it?
48=Process Name:
49=Spy Process Detected
51=Spyware Name:
52=Number of sub items detected:
53=Spyware Level:
54=Spyware Description:
55=Recommended Action:
56=SubItems detected:
59=Ignore Once
60=Always Ignore
73 = A program that gathers information and can be 'silently' installed and run in 'stealth' mode. This kind of software is used to gather information from a user's machine, such as recorded keystrokes (passwords), a list of websites visited by the user, applications installed on the machine, the version of operating system, registry settings, etc.
74 = is an advertising-oriented spyware that downloads and displays advertisements in a popup window while a user is browsing the Web
75 = is a self-replicating virus that does not alter files but resides in active memory and duplicates itself. Worms use parts of an operating system that are automatic and usually invisible to the user. It is common for worms to be noticed only when their uncontrolled replication consumes system resources, slowing or halting other tasks.
76 = Programs that use a computer or modem to dial out to a 900 number or FTP site, typically to accrue charges. Dialers can be installed with or without a user's explicit knowledge, and may perform their dialing activity without a user's specific consent prior to dialing.
77 = is software that resets your browser's settings to point to other sites. Hijacks may reroute your info and address requests through an unseen site, capturing that info. In such hijacks, your browser may behave normally, but be slower.
78 = records keystrokes and may send this information to a predefined email address.
79 = A set of keystrokes and instructions that are recorded, saved, and assigned to a short key code. When the key code is typed, the recorded keystrokes and instructions execute (play back). Macros can simplify day-to-day operations, which otherwise become tedious. For example, a single macro keystroke can set up a connection using pcAnywhere.
80 = A Trojan Horse portrays itself as something other than what it is at the point of execution. While it may advertise its activity after launching, this information is not apparent to the user beforehand. A Trojan Horse neither replicates nor copies itself, but causes damage or compromises the security of the computer. A Trojan Horse must be sent by someone or carried by another program and may arrive in the form of a joke program or software of some sort. The malicious functionality of a Trojan Horse may be anything undesirable for a computer user, including data destruction or compromising a system by providing a means for another computer to gain access, thus bypassing normal access controls.
81=Please Wait...
82=Processing List...
84=Scan Aborted
85=Scan Finished
86=Initializing Deep Scan, wait...
87=Scan Aborted, Data Base is not found
88=Start Scanning Memory.
89=Start Checking Memory.
90=End of Checking Memory.
91=Start Scanning Registry.
92=Start Scanning Files and Folders.
93=Start Session...
94=Start Loading Data Base...
95=Data Base File is not Found...
96=Quit Session...
97=DataBase File is not exist.
98=Data Base Loaded Sucessfuly.
99=This option will speed up the program BUT may somtimes hang up the program itself or other programs for a while.
100=Your graphics card is not installed, you may face slow reaction with BPS Spyware Remover.
101=Quick Scan Now
104=Enable Memory Process Shield
105=Enable StartUp Shield
106=Enable Hijacker Shield
107=Enable IE Favorites Shield
108=Exit BPS SPyware remover
109=Scanning Files and Folders
110=Scanning Cookies
111=Scanning Memory Processes
112=Scanning Registry
114=BHO can control, monitor, and modify the whole internet flow and block web sites through Internet Explorer only.
115=LSP can control, monitor, and modify the whole internet flow and block web sites.
116=Hosts entries can block or redirect web sites through internet explorer.
118=Hosts file entry
121=Startup Program.
124=Type:Startup Program
128=IE Hijack Entry.
129=Favorites Hijack.
130=IE ActiveX Control is trying to install.
131=IE Browser Helper Object.
132=New IE Tool Bar Installation.
133=New Winsock LSP Installation.
134=New Service Installation.
135=Removing Threat:
136=Quarantining Threat:
137=Ignoring Threat:
138=IE ActiveX
139=Spy Memory Process.
140=Initializing Quick Scan, Please wait...
141=Initializing Custom Scan, Please wait...
142=Can not show results
144=Threat Name
147=Software program is considered attack ware for its unlawful removal of our anti-spyware program. This malicious software tool removes legitimate anti-spyware and competing programs from a user's PC without legal merits and is violating United States laws and good business ethics and business competition laws. This tool will be removed from our database when it cleans its malicious acts
148=Attack ware
149=There is an attackware or more installed on your system, Attackware removes legitimate anti-spyware and competing programs from user's PC without legal merits. After next quick check, You should remove them from your computer.